ErudiFi: Breaking Social Stigma

Here are more stories from the Walang Hiyang Estudyante recipients, as part of Bukas’ ongoing commitment to break social stigmas:

  • Jolina, the Working Student: “Balancing studies and work requires strong determination and a fighting spirit, proving my strength and independence as a ‘Walang Hiyang Estudyante.'”
  • Jea, the Student Parent: “Despite being judged for becoming a parent at a young age, I used it as motivation to succeed. Now, I’m a Magna Cum Laude graduate, an academic scholar, a businesswoman, and, most proudly, a mother.”
  • Cris, the Career Shifter: ” It was very difficult to study law. From digestive system to digesting cases. But for the light of your dream, pursue it because you wrote it.”
  • Wena, the Transferee: “We’ll do whatever it takes to earn that degree, to achieve our dreams. We’ll swallow our pride, crawl through anything, just to make it here.”
  • Velle, the Course Shifter: “I thank myself for persevering through numerous shifts and courses at the university. I’m still here, determined to finish my studies. Stay walang hiya!”


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